Black Swans It's Mating time again !!

 Black Swan's are the state emblem of West Australia and what a majestic creature they are ! Graceful and elegant both in the sky and on the water
This week when I visited one of my favorite birding spots I was pleased to see at least a dozen swans there, it has been quite awhile since I have seen these nomadic birds at this spot and it was great to observe them going about Swan business from a distance so they didn't feel  threatened by my presence.
 There was a lot of action, trumpeting and yahooing , much meeting and greeting , taking off and skimming along the water, a sight to see and something I haven't been fortunate enough to witness before

 So I was pretty pleased to observe a pair mating very close to me  I was unable to get clear shots of the couple but was amused to see that they weren't alone, four other swans were there with them
one appeared to be the lookout and was fixing me with a beady eye and 3 seemed to be observers . I just love the expressions on their faces and would be interested to know if this is the norm or could this perhaps be how swans conduct their Sex Ed classes.
Hopefully I may get  some pics of their nest building . Watch this spot !

